Script to remove teams machine wide installer - script to remove teams machine wide installer -

Script to remove teams machine wide installer - script to remove teams machine wide installer -

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5 Best Ways To Set Up Microsoft Teams Machine Wide Installer 



Script to remove teams machine wide installer - script to remove teams machine wide installer


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Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Try doing a search in This PC and see if you can find the program name there my be an uninstaller in this list.

Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. I can uninstall Teams but every time I try to uninstall Teams Machine-Wide Installer I am told "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :.

Cancel Submit. Andre Da Costa Volunteer Moderator. Some people commented that their Microsoft Teams keeps reinstalling itself after they have uninstalled it. This is most of the time caused by the Machine-Wide installer. I like to automate things as much as possible, so of course, we also have a PowerShell script to uninstall Microsoft Teams.

The script will remove the Machine-Wide installer and Microsoft Teams self. Make sure you run the PowerShell script in an elevated mode. You can do this by opening PowerShell as Admin. The script will check for the two possible installation locations of Teams and remove it when found. If you want to run this script for multiple users on the same computer , then you can use the following part in place of the Remove Teams for Current User section:.

Just to be clear, you can safely uninstall the Teams Machine-wide installer. All it does is install Teams for every user that signs in. You can uninstall the Teams Machine-wide installer in the settings screen or with a PowerShell script. This can be really useful if you need to remove it from multiple computers.

So I had an occasion where I had to remove Microsoft Teams for users, but after re-installing Teams came back with no history. The only solution to fix this was to clear the cache of Microsoft Teams. I expected it to be in the roaming AppData, but it turned out to be not the only location. We also need to clear the Chrome and Edge Cache to completely remove it. Mark Vale had already created a really nice PowerShell script to clear the Microsoft Teams Cache, so we are going to use that:.

I hope these scripts helped you remove and clean up Microsoft Teams. If you want to re-install Microsoft Teams, then make sure you check out this article. Again thanks to Mark Vale for the clean-up script!

Maybe this is an unspecified error that update. Thank you. This is an excellent script…thank you for publishing! However, I need it to be remotely executable. This seemed to worked fine as I have. The up-to-date profiles appear to be skipped due to version check and still have all files no.

But the Teams installer is a strange one, to be honest. Hi super, we are struggling with this because many times users have problems with logging in: there is an error occured. When i start the script for uninstalling multiple users then a error occures: uninstallteams is nog recognised as a cmdlet….? Make sure that you have loaded the function in PowerShell. I am copy the script to powershell ISE and then save it as a ps1. Any install that was done locally by a user, cannot be uninstalled by anything running as system.

It has to be done by an end user. We have tested scripts via Big fix on end user installs of this software, and system installs of this software. The end users installs fails with The system installs gets uninstalled by the Big fix deployed script with no issues.

We have tried multiple script configs, and script types.


Script to remove teams machine wide installer - script to remove teams machine wide installer


All the attempts at using Msiexec. This is a 32 bit источник статьи on a 64 bit machine. Best i can guess is the Big fix client is not looking in the wowNode location for the guid and it does not think the product is on the machine.

Anyone have any similar experiences or ideas on how to get this to work? Would probably help if you shared the relevance and actionscript code you are using. I have event ID windows installer starts and windows installer ends in the workstation application log for the guid.

Both Msiinstaller events at the exact same time down to the second. The script executes. We have also run the command in the debugger and it works. We have figured it жмите. It was по этому сообщению the script or Big fix. Any install that was done locally by a user, cannot be uninstalled by anything running as system. It has to be done by an end user. We have tested scripts via Big fix on end user installs of script to remove teams machine wide installer - script to remove teams machine wide installer software, and system installs of this software.

The end users installs fails with The system installs gets uninstalled by the Big fix deployed script with no issues. We have tried multiple script configs, and script types. When run interactively or through the debugger, you do so in the context of the logged on user.



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