Article - Teams Meetings: Downloading - In this article
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Download Team meeting recording - Microsoft Community.Download a teams meeting recording.Download Team meeting recording
Download a teams meeting recording.Teams cloud meeting recording
Record a meeting in Teams. Please refer Play and share a meeting recording in Teams for further details. How can i store the meeting recording and chat transcripts to a Sharepoint folder This is to save in shareppoitn folder for documentation and proof purpose.
Can we use power automate..? How are you managing files in your Teams? If you know you will reuse your videos for academic or non-academic use, ITS recommends uploading to Echo or Microsoft Stream. Search Articles. Access the Teams meeting recording Teams meeting recordings are stored in your OneDrive they are accessible inside of your OneDrive or your Teams meeting chat or channel. Within " My files ", locate the " Recordings" folder. In " Recordings " folder, find the file you want to download.
How to share meeting recordings in OneDrive and SharePoint. If you weren't the person who recorded or organized the meeting, you can still share the recording with people weren't invited to the meeting.
However, the meeting organizer or the the meeting recorder will need to approve your share action before other people will get access. How to share a file in Microsoft At this time, anyone who can view a meeting recording stored in OneDrive and SharePoint can also download a copy of it. All meeting recordings are now saved to OneDrive and SharePoint.
Note: Mobile users should update to the latest version of the Teams app for iOS and Android in order to experience meeting recording and video playback in Teams. Play a meeting recording. Meeting recording storage and permissions. Share a link to a meeting recording with others. Download a meeting recording. Want to know more? The recording will be available after the meeting was scheduled to end so not necessarily when it actually ends. If you were part of a scheduled meeting, go the Details tab of the meeting event in your calendar and select the recording.
You can also select More actions on the meeting recording and choose Open in OneDrive if it was a chat meeting, or Open in SharePoint if it was a channel meeting. Teams meeting recordings will be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint, depending on the type of meeting. Note that a recording will expire and be automatically deleted after a set period of time. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. In reply to NataliaTR's post on October 24, Since according to our test, even though the publisher of the video selects Allow everyone in your company view this video , if the Owner tab is not selected for specific user in this page , this user will not able to download it; only limited options can be seen after clicking … icon: If the issue persists after double checking, please share us the updates and the following information: 1.
Whether you can download other records that assign you as Owner under Permission field; 2. Whether other Owners can download the records well.
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